HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Advent Hope

Hope is a theme of Advent, so we today share two quotes on hope for your reflection this season. The quote art is from a...

The Back Door’s Open

When I was young, Uncle Lou always came through our unlocked back door calling the traditional Slovak greeting, “Pochválený buď Ježiš Kristus,” which meant,...

The Cricket and Prayer

I am watching the clock and waiting for my son and husband to clear out of their morning bustle in the kitchen. The sun...

The Saints, Anchored in Hope

The Feast of All Saints…reminds us that the goal of our existence is not death, it is paradise! The apostle John writes, “It does...

Luke Learns from Mary

In honor of the October 18 feast of St. Luke, let’s listen in to an imagined story by the evangelist. It started with Mary. I...

Impossible Circumstances

Something to ponder: Learn about Sacred Space: A Little Book of Encouragement.

Receive My Memory

Memories are important to me. They are the building blocks of the stories I tell myself, my children, and new acquaintances. I attended elementary school...

Five Practices of Ignatian Spirituality That Foster Resilience

Ignatian spirituality arose from an environment not so different from the one in which we find ourselves today. St. Ignatius endured long months of...

The Third Method of Prayer

Ignatian prayer is not one kind of prayer; in fact, Ignatius recommends a variety of ways to pray, along with the better-known imaginative prayer....

A Prayer Exercise: Imagination

What is the most imaginative thing you've ever done? Who is the most imaginative person you know, and how would you describe that person's life...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon