HomeIgnatian Prayer

Ignatian Prayer

Why Do We Pray?

If the answer to our prayers will sometimes be "no," why do we pray in the first place? I have no doubt that our...

Standing Next to Mary

I find myself wondering often about the ordinary moments in the Holy Family’s life, particularly the day-to-day moments of Mary’s life with Jesus. Perhaps...

A Completely New Life

This story is inspired by Luke 13:10–17. Eighteen years! For 18 years, I lived crippled by a spinal problem. It began when I was a little...

Friendship and Harmony with God

God, who is Love itself, creates a universe that is good from its beginning (because God is good). Over time, human beings in the...

An Experiment in Praydreaming

Last week, I introduced the concept of praydreaming: allowing yourself to daydream prayerfully. Today, I’m suggesting an exercise in praydreaming. Use it as is...

Doing Dishes with Our Father

The Scripture verses included in the following imaginative contemplation are not exact translations but rather an invitation to readers to look up the texts...

Imagination and Praydreaming

May we all grow in our creativity as we move from summer to autumn. May we exercise our imaginations in new ways. Here’s one...


Accompaniment is intimately linked to Ignatian spirituality and pedagogy. It always includes an element of personalized care and attention for the individual, whether via...

Knocking and Persistence

One Saturday morning, while our sons were playing peacefully inside, my husband and I went out into the front yard to discuss what work...

Prayer of an Aging Disciple

Lord, grant me the grace to live in the present and recognize what is possible to look to the future and trust you to be silent, and...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon