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Ignatian Voices

God with Us in the Word

Becky Eldredge, author of Busy Lives & Restless Souls, recently shared a post on Listening for God in Scripture, in which she suggested praying...

Advent Inspiration

As we reach the midpoint of this First Week of Advent, here are a few articles from the dotMagis archives to inspire you this...

A Person Made of Light

Suppose there were a reality faster than light, so superenergized that it would be at rest, everywhere at once. Every object we see—though it...

Make Today Matter Blog Hop

How can small things done every day change us for the better and make the world better too? Author and leadership speaker Chris Lowney...

Three Pilgrimage Experiences

St. Ignatius referred to himself as a pilgrim, and many followers of the Ignatian way have used special times of pilgrimage to encounter God...

Forced Stillness

Jesuit Volunteer Grace Ogihara was forced into stillness because of neck and back pain one weekend. She writes: Though I otherwise would’ve been outside traipsing...

Joy and Mission

Jesus is not a lone missionary; he does not want to fulfill his mission alone but involves his disciples. In addition to the twelve...


Marquette Magazine shares a “reminder to notice” by Garrett Gundlach, SJ. I don’t think we ever need permission to share with each other or to...

Finding God Through Humor

April is National Humor Month, so that provides a reason to notice that God can be found through humor and laughter too, as these...

8 Pope Francis Quotes to Celebrate His Anniversary

Today, March 13, we celebrate Pope Francis’s fourth anniversary. To honor the occasion, enjoy some of his inspiring and challenging words. “When we receive...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon