
The Examen Is One of My Favorite Prayers

In this second week of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure, we're reflecting on finding God in all things and looking at how the Examen can...

Finding God in All Things

The Examen is a simple form for “checking in” daily with God. It's a review of your day, by which you observe how you...

Discovering the Examen

A suggestion for Lent: learn to pray the examen.  Yesterday we read about a Jesuit nurse who finds God's presence in an emergency room...

Finding God in the Trauma Center

Jason Brauninger, SJ, is a nurse who works in the Trauma Center at a Denver hospital.  It's a place where you hear announcements like...

Here’s a Good Idea

Blogger Wayne Stratz found a book that helped his prayer life quite a bit.  It helped mine too. And youth minister Daniel Haugh, who works...

The Life of Pilgrimage

I am in China with my family on a heritage tour, a pilgrimage of sorts.  Those familiar with my book Longing to Love know...

The Examen and Other Prayers

During Lent we published six audio-visual guided Examens that introduce the Ignatian Examen prayer.  These were very popular, and they now have a permanent...

Lunchtime Examen Week 6: What Shall I Do?

Our sixth and last Lunchtime Examen goes online today. This week's question is "What shall I do?" It's about the final step of the...

Lunchtime Examen Week 4: Feelings

Our fourth Lunchtime Examen goes online today.  This week's question is "What do our feelings have to do with prayer?" Click on the button...

Lunchtime Examen: What Do I Pray About?

Our third Lunchtime Examen is online today.  This week, in addition to the guided prayer, I talk about how the examen answers the question,...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon