
Audio Examen

The British-produced Pray-As-You-Go has just released a new audio Examen. Although intended for young adults, this version is applicable to adults of any age...

Advent Examen

Begin by taking in a deep breath, taking in God's love, the light of Christ, the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Exhale all your...

Sincere Gratitude

We recently celebrated my husband Rudy's birthday. It was a simple and completely unassuming celebration. It was not at all what I had envisioned...

Praying the Examen with Children

Every year when school starts, I find myself setting goals that I want to work on as a mom and that we want to...

Children and the Examen

Tim and Sue Muldoon write about using the examen as a way of cultivating children's spiritual lives: Why is it that dinner conversations frequently involve...

Refreshing the Examen

I'm a big fan of the daily Examen, as many of you know. It's a good idea to make it a daily habit, but...

Easter Season Examen

Take in a deep breath—taking in God's love, light, and strength—and let it out slowly, exhaling any worries, cares, or fears. 1. Invite the Holy...

An Examen for Easter Week

This post concludes the series “From Ashes to Glory.”The WordWhen the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome...

Praying the Glory

This post is a part of the series “From Ashes to Glory.” We have now reached “glory”—Jesus' glory and our own. His is the glory the...

An Examen for Holy Week

This post is a part of the Lenten series “From Ashes to Glory.” The Word While they were eating, he took a loaf of bread, and after...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon