

On the Camino: Three Friends

On Sunday we arrived in the town of Navarrete, completing our first full week of the Camino Ignaciano. We completed the mountain stages of...

Marked by Love

It was a small moment, and one I have thought about for several weeks.  As I was stopped at a traffic light heading home...

Waiting in Hope

The workshop I am presenting with another Charis Ministries colleague at the Jesuit Collaborative Conference this week is titled, “Waiting in Hope: Accompanying Young...

Hurricane Katrina and the Holy Spirit Prayer That Remains

Hurricane Katrina occurred in hot, muggy August in the middle of Ordinary Time. Katrina, however, felt nothing like Ordinary Time; rather, it felt like...

Go Gracefully

I have a dear friend who has been a Servite sister for many decades.  Last week she mentioned in passing that in her community...

Mother’s Day

At our parish on Mother's Day, we have a tradition of honoring all women, whether they biologically have children or not. I am always...

The Meaning of a Kiss

During Holy Week I've encountered two very different and yet equally profound meanings in the act of a kiss.  The first, of course, is...

What a Surprise!

Easter isn't a happy ending. It's a new beginning. Easter is an incredible surprise. No one was expecting it, but it happened. Jesus rose...

Farewell to an Old Friend

It is with the somber feel of Holy Week that I write that our old friend, Fr. Dennis, has died.  Last April I wrote...

My Both/And Call

When my son, Brady, was eight weeks old, I led my first Charis retreat in the Diocese of Baton Rouge. I remember kneeling at...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon