

Beginning My Ignatian Prayer Adventure

This is a guest post by Michelle Francl-Donnay, as she begins An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. I am standing in front of the chair in my...

Quiet Nothingness

There are times in our prayer lives that we feel God is absent, or we struggle to feel or hear God in prayer. Those...

Litany of Gratitude for Ignatian Tools

There is that old adage that says, “When God closes one door, God opens another one.” When my husband and I were overwhelmed with...


For Catholics it is traditional to make pilgrimages to holy places. One of the most famous pilgrimage sites is Lourdes, France, which receives millions...

Advent Video: Mary Receiving Jesus into Her Arms

As we transition from Advent to Christmas, spiritual director Becky Eldredge shares how her own experiences as a mother help her relate to Mary...

Advent Video: How Does Hope Shape Us?

Writer and editor Vinita Hampton Wright shares with us her thoughts on hope as a driving dynamic of Advent. This reflection originally appeared as...

It’s Never Too Late to Enter Advent

As I have so often written in this blog, my life is hectic, busy and frantic. I can now see that I seem to...

Advent, Merton, and Mary

Thomas Merton is known for his prayer which begins, “My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see...

Advent Video: Waiting

For the Second Week of Advent, writer and theologian Tim Muldoon shares his thoughts about waiting. This reflection originally appeared as the dotMagis post...

Advent Video: Love Is Coming

Welcome to Advent! In this seasonal reflection, Joe Paprocki shares what Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young have to do with Advent and gratitude. Paprocki is...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon