

Four Ways to Avoid Gossip

In celebration of the release of Pope Francis’s book, The Church of Mercy, several of our dotMagis bloggers will be sharing reflections based on...

Covered by the Dust of the Lord’s Feet

This post is based on Week Six of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. In the ancient Middle East, men who trained to be rabbis memorized the...

God’s Surprises

In celebration of the release of Pope Francis’s book, The Church of Mercy, several of our dotMagis bloggers will be sharing reflections this month...

My Journey Through the Two Standards

This post is based on Week Five of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. In Ignatius’s day a “standard” was another name for a military banner or...

What Do the Pope and Dr. Seuss Have in Common?

In celebration of the release of Pope Francis’s book, The Church of Mercy, several of our dotMagis bloggers will be sharing reflections this month...

The History of My Sin

This post is based on Week Three of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. How does one write a short blog post on the interior sin that...

Disengaging Autopilot This Lent

I think we’ve all done it, though few of us would care to admit it. I’ll step out on a limb and admit it:...

God Winks

I was driving home the other day and was listening to the song “Lost in the Wilderness” from the musical Children of Eden. In...

Winter Dormancy

Late winter is a quiet time for any gardener, especially in more northern climates. Although there are a few crops that can be planted...

The Password

“Password incorrect. Please try again.” For the 15th time, my stupid computer kept flashing that same message as I tried desperately to reset my...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon