

Advent Consolation

There’s something about Advent and Christmas that stirs my heart. As my semester as a grad student winds down, I anticipate the time to...

Mary as a Model of Indifference

In many discussions of Ignatian indifference by Jesuit colleagues, the paradigmatic stories revolve around leaving behind jobs, projects, and relationships for the sake of...

The Manila Envelope of Gratitude

On a recent Monday morning I climbed up the sun-drenched stairs to my office, my bag slung over my shoulder, my lunch balanced precariously...

The Centrality of Gratitude

Gratitude is not optional in the faith journey. It is central. Gratitude is not simply remembering to say “Thank you.” There is a difference between...

Gratitude on the Difficult Days

My husband has a habit that I find both irritating and wise all at once. When I come home after a really bad day...

You Are a Child of God Too

Last night, my seven-year-old son struggled to fall asleep. He came into our room about a half hour after we tucked him in to...

Marriage as Conversion

A member of Contemplative Leaders in Action, my former student E. writes a lovely blog, A Call to Joy. In light of recent news about...

Thoughts about the Imagination and Narrative

Storytelling is crucial to how we as human beings make meaning of our lives. Ricoeur observed that while life is simply lived, we attempt...

Rocking Babies in Church

My husband and I were at Mass on Saturday night and during the opening hymn, I noticed the woman in the pew ahead of...

The Greatest Super Power Ever

On a lark, I forwarded an e-mail quiz entitled “20 Things You Never Knew About Me” to several friends. With 20 questions ranging from...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon