

Finding Dory, Finding My Grandmother

The hype has started for the release of Disney-Pixar’s new movie, Finding Dory (the sequel to Finding Nemo), and it has me thinking of...

Faced with What We Lack

With the end of each year I typically find myself in a state of hopefulness for the next year. I want to make resolutions...

A Gratitude Resolution

When I was a girl, I was a Girl Scout. Thankfully, we had an active troop leader who took us on all kinds of outdoor...

The Spiritual Case for Dust

Last week, I pushed my office door open and flicked on the lights, to find it looking wan and grey under a six-month shroud...

The Miracle of the Incarnation

The miracle of the Incarnation never ceases to amaze me. It is through the Incarnation that God became human, or as John’s Gospel says,...

In God’s Waiting Room

Swirling ideas, wresting thoughts, and mixed-up emotions vie for my attention. Come, Holy Spirit. I sit still for what I hope will be a time of...

Going Off Road in Advent

As we experience this season of Advent, the metaphor of a journey stands out to me. I think about the different journeys, both geographical...

Preparing Our Hearts in Advent

I take pride in being prepared for anything. Advent is a time of preparation, so it should come as no surprise that I have...

Who Are You?

When the priests and Levites questioned John the Baptist in the wilderness, they asked him “Who are you?” John responded by testifying “I am...

Gratitude for All Who Came Before Us

In Hebrews 11:1–40, there is a litany of thanksgiving to the “faith of the ancients,” all those who went before us: Abel and Cain,...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon