

Going Off Road in Advent

As we experience this season of Advent, the metaphor of a journey stands out to me. I think about the different journeys, both geographical...

Preparing Our Hearts in Advent

I take pride in being prepared for anything. Advent is a time of preparation, so it should come as no surprise that I have...

Who Are You?

When the priests and Levites questioned John the Baptist in the wilderness, they asked him “Who are you?” John responded by testifying “I am...

Gratitude for All Who Came Before Us

In Hebrews 11:1–40, there is a litany of thanksgiving to the “faith of the ancients,” all those who went before us: Abel and Cain,...

Hearing Places

I heard it before I quite realized what was happening. A brief slurp, a quick sucking noise, and my right leg was swallowed up...

Marking God’s Goodness

Before making the big decision to move from the East Coast to the West Coast, my wife Sarah and I prayed with the story...

Four Seconds

I drive up Eggert Road nearly every day. It’s a slight shortcut that gives me four extra minutes on my daily commute. Time is...

Three Ingredients in a Recipe for Gratitude

So many times a day we say “thank you” out of nothing more than common courtesy at best or, at worst, out of habit,...

Housecleaning Leads to an Examen of Physical Surroundings

I hired a housecleaner because I simply cannot keep up with a full-time job, choir practices, leadership with a women’s fellowship, family obligations, and...

An Extraordinary Saintly Team

We know that St. Ignatius was inspired by the stories of the saints. We’ve heard stories of him lying in bed during his recovery,...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon