

Encountering God through the Smells of Childhood

In her book, Taste and See: Experiencing the Goodness of God with Our Five Senses, Ginny Kubitz Moyer offers us a beautiful Examen that...

Our Five Senses and Being Fully Alive

The second-century saint Irenaeus said that “the glory of God is man fully alive.” I love this idea and find that it always...

Looking Forward to World Youth Day and Magis 2016

Sitting in Exhibition Hall in Toronto with colleagues, I began to hear the screaming. “What’s that yelling?” I shouted. “Ah, the Pope’s motorcade is coming,” my...

Love, Relationship, and How We Live

The other day, I was sorting through some old papers and came across the “Fall in Love” prayer by Joseph Whelan, SJ. His thoughts are...

Angry at God

A friend of mine recently shared that her daughter was angry with God. A dear friend was facing cancer and her daughter was sure...

An Example of a Person for Others

My family and I recently drove back home to mourn the loss of a dear friend and to support his family through the loss....

When Did You First Encounter the Risen Christ?

I took a long sip of my hot coffee to give me a minute to process his question. Sitting across from me was a...

Imagine: A Lesson from Science Class

This spring I am teaching an introductory course in quantum mechanics. It’s a tough course. The concepts bely my students’ everyday experience—electrons that can...

Jean-Pierre de Caussade and My “Chance Encounter” with Divine Intervention

Many years ago, when I was a junior in college, I struck up a correspondence with a sister at Chigwell Convent in England. Actually,...

Just Show Up

I’ve met some of my closest friends when I was attending parties I really didn’t want to attend. I’ve had some of my most...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon