

Reverence and the Deer

I was walking early one morning, just as the sun was coming up. I was in a section of woods not too far from...

The Depth of God’s Love for Me

This post is by Becky Eldredge, author of Busy Lives & Restless Souls, as she begins An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. kind of knowing that...

Encounter in an Airport

I am waiting for my husband’s very delayed flight to arrive. The baggage carousels stopped revolving over 20 minutes ago, and the only other...

Loving Our Enemies

To be a Christian means to love one’s enemy. Jesus’ words and his actions alike testify to this idea. Jesus says, “Love your enemies...

Leave Room for the Holy Spirit

When I sat down earlier this month to think about my New Year’s resolutions, I wrote three columns: Mind, Body, and Spirit. As I...

Hold Firm

It’s now pretty much the dead of winter. The thrill of Christmas is past us and we wake each morning—some of us in harsh,...

Holy Incident Was No Accident

It was the kind of day when everything was going wrong. I could recite a litany of all the mishaps and disasters. I knew...

New Year’s Daydreaming

What if instead of starting with New Year’s resolutions, we began with New Year’s daydreaming? January is a time when I eagerly peruse the newly...

Joy in the Neighborhood

People ask me if volunteering at the St. Vincent de Paul store is depressing, and I honestly tell them that it is not. There...

How to Recognize Jesus

How to recognize Jesus: Listen to whatever clues you’re given. For instance, angels told the shepherds to look in a certain town and a certain...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon