

Imperfect but Hopeful

I walked into the Sunday evening Mass a few weeks ago with quite the ragtag group of little boys. I had been in and...

Savoring the Season

The crisp morning air greets me as I rush out the door. Gentle rays of sunlight bounce off yellow-draped trees. Fallen leaves crunch underfoot,...

Gratitude Leads to Generosity

When we develop an outlook of gratitude, we train ourselves to perceive the world in terms of abundance rather than scarcity. I am grateful...

How Do You Want Others to Remember You?

Let’s consider our own legacy—what people will remember about us when we’re gone. You might need pen and paper for this. If you died today,...

Shining in Their Smiles

I consider one of the greatest blessings I have right now to be watching my three little boys grow up. And it is a...

Making Friends

My son began attending a new school this month. As we pulled up to the front entrance, he was wondering aloud whom he would...

Befriending a Rat

In our urban backyard, we have a chicken coop constructed just right to fit our five, almost full-grown chickens. My animal-loving family promises me...

A Different Kind of Souvenir

My husband and I recently took a vacation to a nearby beach and state park, and I returned with a divine souvenir. I was...

Sharing a Moment with a Stranger on Vacation

Entering Westminster Abbey on vacation with my 10-year-old son, I overheard a man with an American accent ask, “Can we take photos?” “No, sorry, sir,”...

An Extraordinarily Ordinary Day

The season’s heat calls for a slower pace. Some of my ministries take a summer break, giving me time to catch my breath and...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon