

Experiencing God’s Love

This post is based on Week One of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. I found myself in a desperate situation just over ten years ago. During...

It Matters to Jesus

A friend called me the other day, and as soon as I answered the phone, she said through tears, “Becky, I had a huge...

The Ashes We Receive

My preparation for Ash Wednesday most years begins with clearing my calendar for that day. I look at the list of people I accompany...

Staring Our Way to Recognition

Have you ever seen something that you could not identify as anything familiar, and so all you could do was stare at it in...

A Different Kind of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving will be different this year. As I write this, in early November, the United States is experiencing a new and frightening spike in...

Cobwebs and Cataracts

Joan had cataract surgery. Overnight she developed all kinds of wrinkles. Well, actually, she simply hadn’t seen them before. With her eyesight improved, looking...

Permission to Notice

When I was in Kindergarten, I took the school bus home. The driver dropped me off three blocks away from my house. Since my...

From a Mountain of Trash to Beauty

This morning, my husband, John, and I took a lap around the paved loop that tops a city park not far from where we...

Cherishing Meeting Participants

“Cherish what is simple. Be in awe of what is great.” —Christopher de Vinck in The Center Will Hold I am sitting in the usual...

A Story of the Simple and Great Hearing Aid

The other day, I ran around the house looking everywhere for my oldest son’s hearing aids. I checked the counter where we normally place...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon