

Conversion and Car Keys

I'm a convert. Sometimes my conversion experience piques the interest of cradle Catholics, who are eager to hear about the idea of choosing a...

Children and the Examen

Tim and Sue Muldoon write about using the examen as a way of cultivating children's spiritual lives: Why is it that dinner conversations frequently involve...

Christians of Good Manners and Bad Habits

During the past few weeks I've been reading the speeches and homilies of Pope Francis in connection with an editorial project. A delightful assignment!...

The Grace of Shame

Pope Francis is certainly full of surprises. His words on July 31, the Feast of St. Ignatius, are a good example. Ignatius's feast is an...

What Cameras Cannot See: WYD and Magis from Within

This is a guest post by Andrij M. Hlabse, SJ, who was in Brazil for Magis and World Youth Day 2013.With apologies for the...

Top Five Things I Want My Peers to Know about Ignatian Spirituality

My life would be very different without St. Ignatius. Ignatian spirituality is where I feel most at home as a young adult Catholic. Ignatian...

Under the Cross of Christ

This is a guest post by Andrij M. Hlabse, SJ, who is in Brazil for Magis and World Youth Day 2013. He'll be sharing...

The Committee Rattling in My Mind

There is a never-ending committee meeting that rattles in my mind. It sounds like this: Don't forget to pick up apples at the grocery store”¦.I...

Why a Scientist Finds Ignatian Spirituality Compelling

About six months after I finished making the Spiritual Exercises, I was chatting with a couple of colleagues at the college where I teach....

God as Mystery, God as Neighbor

Yesterday was a normal day, just like any other, but for some reason I woke up and was jolted with some unexpected thoughts about...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon