

Bringing Jesus to the Workplace

Do you bring Jesus to work with you? Perhaps, like me, you suspect that Jesus would not be too popular in your workplace. I...

The Tattoo

It was the parental conversation when I realized I had lost all control. “You are not getting a tattoo!” I declared to my 18-year-old...

The Sponge and the Rock

During the icy cold “polar vortex” in early January, my landlord asked me to leave the taps dripping at night to prevent the pipes...

Audio Examen

The British-produced Pray-As-You-Go has just released a new audio Examen. Although intended for young adults, this version is applicable to adults of any age...

The Inconvenient Call

A priest was obsessed about reminding parishioners to turn off their cell phones before Mass. He mentioned it at least three or four times...

Politician Quits after Ignatian Retreat

Sarah Teather decided to quit Parliament after a process of discernment during a 30-day Ignatian retreat near Liverpool. She said: “Sometimes you just have...

My Will and the New Year

It was a freezing cold night as we left Mass and headed across the street to pick up dinner for our daughter before we...

Emmanuel, God with Us

A cherished memory from my childhood is the annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at my grandparents' Methodist church. Every year my large family of...

Mary and Joseph Are Expecting

About nine months ago we celebrated the Annunciation when the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would conceive God's son. It was at...

Praying with the Season’s Songs

The hymns of Advent and Christmas offer a wonderful way to pray. Music is a powerful part of my prayer life, because music is...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon