

Loving People Who Annoy Us

I commute about two hours most weekdays, so I’ve had a lot of experiences on the road. I’m generally a calm driver, but I’m...

Acting Against

Agere contra is an Ignatian concept we don’t hear much about, at least not on this blog. The phrase means “to act against,” and...

When All That’s Left Is an Empty Tomb

Last week my spiritual director left me with a loaded question: “What are you going to do when all that’s left is an empty...

Surrendering to God’s Love

This post is based on Week Eight of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure.Contemplating the love of the Creator opened my heart to a new world,...

Pope Francis and My Granddaughter Know Courage Leads to Love

In celebration of the release of Pope Francis’s book, The Church of Mercy, several of our dotMagis bloggers will be sharing reflections this month...

Being Free Is Demanding

In celebration of the release of Pope Francis’s book, The Church of Mercy, several of our dotMagis bloggers will be sharing reflections this month...


“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” —John 1:14One way the Word becomes flesh and moves among us is through the particular words we—with...

Four Ways to Avoid Gossip

In celebration of the release of Pope Francis’s book, The Church of Mercy, several of our dotMagis bloggers will be sharing reflections based on...

Covered by the Dust of the Lord’s Feet

This post is based on Week Six of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. In the ancient Middle East, men who trained to be rabbis memorized the...

God’s Surprises

In celebration of the release of Pope Francis’s book, The Church of Mercy, several of our dotMagis bloggers will be sharing reflections this month...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon