

One Minute on the Examen

The Examen is always a popular subject here on dotMagis, and today we share a one-minute video produced by Jesuits that introduces the prayer...

The Greatest Super Power Ever

On a lark, I forwarded an e-mail quiz entitled “20 Things You Never Knew About Me” to several friends. With 20 questions ranging from...

Love in Hell

Rod Dreher offers a thoughtful reflection on his first read of Dante's Divine Comedy in his late 40's, discovering a wish that he'd read...

Five Tips for Discerning Balance in a Busy Life

This past summer I have spent time in prayer, discerning how to find better balance in my busy life as a mother, wife, teacher,...

September’s Fresh Start

September really is the best month of the year. With September comes that crisp, fresh air with a slight chill in its breath, whispering...

Going to the Movies with God

The Apostleship of Prayer uses the idea of a trip to the movies to explain the Examen to children in this fun presentation. For more...

Choose Values, Not Sides

On the night of a particularly painful news story of a bombing in a UN-protected school in Gaza filled with refugees, I was scrolling...

Forgiveness, Transformation, and Mercy

Mercy seems to be a recurring theme in my prayer. But what is mercy really? What does it mean when we say God is...

Paris and the Magis

It’s hard to pray with your eyes closed in Paris. Every church I set foot in egged me on to open my eyes and...

Tending to the Growth of Love

Among Ignatius’s insights into the dynamics of spiritual life is that God leads primarily through encouragement. In his rules for the discernment of spirits,...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon