

End of Day Examen

St. Beuno's Jesuit Spirituality Centre offers a video that walks one through the Examen. Though the Examen can be prayed in the morning or...

Thankful for the Gifts of Ignatian Spirituality

It is the Christmas season, the time of year that children are relishing the toys they received. They beam with smiles full of joy...

An Ignatian Gift-Buying Guide

Trying to discern appropriate Christmas gifts for my family is always an issue. How much is too much to spend? Do I need to...

Prepare for the Christ Child

How do we prepare our hearts for you, Jesus? Or do we understand our need to prepare? Are we more likely to hurry around...

Are We There Yet? No!

Many years ago on a drive to the Story Land amusement park, my three- and five-year-old boys screeched in the back seat with excitement....

Advent and Profound Silence

Have you ever tried playing the quiet game with a child? The younger the child, the more likely you are to win the game....

Advent Consolation

There’s something about Advent and Christmas that stirs my heart. As my semester as a grad student winds down, I anticipate the time to...

Mary as a Model of Indifference

In many discussions of Ignatian indifference by Jesuit colleagues, the paradigmatic stories revolve around leaving behind jobs, projects, and relationships for the sake of...

The Manila Envelope of Gratitude

On a recent Monday morning I climbed up the sun-drenched stairs to my office, my bag slung over my shoulder, my lunch balanced precariously...

The Centrality of Gratitude

Gratitude is not optional in the faith journey. It is central. Gratitude is not simply remembering to say “Thank you.” There is a difference between...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon