

Lenten Meditation 2: The Lie at the Heart of Human Sinfulness

The lie at the heart of human sinfulness is that we can gain control of our existence by some action of our own and...

Praying Our Stories

This post is based on Week Two of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. When I was in second grade, I kept a diary. It had a...

Lenten Meditation 1: Friendship with God

I maintain that God—out of the abundance of divine relational life, not any need for us—desires humans into existence for the sake of friendship....

Freedom from Fear

This post is by Elizabeth Eiland Figueroa, as she begins An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. In NBC’s hit comedy The Office, boss Michael Scott asked himself...

Answered Prayers

My brother came to stay with my family recently while he attended training in our city. While I was happy to welcome him, I...

A Lesson from the Exercises

At Catholic Philly, Effie Caldarola shares her experience with the 19th annotation, or the Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life. In theory, I always believed God...

The Gift of the Ordinary

Last week my 84-year-old mother was in the hospital. For days on end doctors tried this and that to stabilize her heart. What struck...

Mom’s Wisdom

My mom always said, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” This is a mantra of my youth that tumbles as easily...

Embracing My Image of Jesus

Years ago on retreat, the director asked me what Jesus looked like to me. I thought about it a moment and then described the...

Wild Joy

In his Christmas message to the Curia, Pope Francis worried about those who suffer from “la malattia della faccia funerea”—the malady of the funeral...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon