

Lessons from Being the New Person in a Community

The last eight years feel like they were one continual transition. Three cross-country moves and two cross-city moves have made our family the new...

God in the Wounds

It’s not so difficult to talk about God being present when someone is healed. After all, God’s the one who fixes our brokenness, right?...

Another Examen Video

A community of Christian youth workers released this video version of the Examen prayer. The text on each screen guides the reader through the...

The Fatigue of Mercy

We’re nearing the halfway mark for the Year of Mercy, and for those of us regularly tapped into the Catholic world, all this talk...

Discipline Our Hearts

William A. Barry, SJ, writes for the Ignatian Volunteer Corps blog: Ignatian discernment of spirits is one way to discipline our hearts so that we...

Discover Unwanted Sprouts through the Examen

In the spring, we plant seeds, but we also notice all kinds of plants sprouting without any help from us. Right now, we have...

Peaceful Steps

Editor’s Note: Kyle Baker is currently in Spain, walking the Camino Ignaciano, a pilgrimage path that traces the route St. Ignatius Loyola walked through...

Ignatian Quietude

Ignatian spirituality is very action-oriented. We name desires. We engage our senses in prayer. We respond to the Call of the King. We converse...

Four Ways to Receive Joy

Easter is a 50-day-long season of celebration. As Christians, we often undertake Lenten practices but often do not undertake Easter practices past the first...

Discernment and the Joy of Love

Friday saw the release of the much-anticipated apostolic exhortation on love in the family, Amoris Laetitia, (The Joy of Love). Two responses to the...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon