

An Examen of Life’s Stories

Editor’s Note: This Examen can be prayed at any time, but it is particularly suited to praying while reading and reflecting on Cannonball Moments:...

Repeat Returns and the Examen

My automobile, unfortunately, has been subjected to several recalls. First it was a rearview camera that might not sit in the correct position. I...

Catholic Worldbuilding and the Ignatian Imagination

I’ve always been fascinated by the process of worldbuilding. Science fiction and fantasy are by far my favorite genres. Occasionally, I dabble in writing speculative...

Prayer on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

This post is based on Week Eight of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Fr. Joseph Tetlow, SJ, makes these key points in talking about the graces...

Holy Saturday as the Dark Night

The tabernacle is empty. The tomb is full. The stone is rolled across the opening. There is no going back. The disciples are overwhelmed...

Prayer on the Passion of Jesus Christ

This post is based on Week Seven of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Fr. Joseph Tetlow, SJ, makes these key points in talking about the graces...

Challenge of the Second Week and the Colloquy

This post is based on Week Six of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Fr. Joseph Tetlow, SJ, makes these key points in talking about the challenge...

The Kingdom and the Two Standards

This post is based on Week Five of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Fr. Joseph Tetlow, SJ, considers what the Call of Christ, Our King, and...

Prayer and the Second Week

This post is based on Week Four of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Fr. Joseph Tetlow, SJ, makes these key points in talking about prayer and...

The War of the Bedtime Stories

A minor religious conflict broke out during our bedtime reading not so long ago. It was unexpected—and pretty hilarious. Once upon a time, my eldest...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon