

What's Next?

The notion that the spiritual life is a journey is so common that it's a platitude. I've worked for years in Catholic publishing. I've seen...

Desire and the Church

During this week of Pentecost I have been thinking about the Church as an institution, a community launched by Christ and gifted with the...

What I Think about When I Don't Have to Think

A while ago I decided to stop trying to make big changes.  They were too hard.  I thought I'd concentrate on making small changes,...

Visits with My Mother

In the US on Sunday, we will celebrate Mother's Day. I have been thinking of my mother a lot lately, maybe because this is...

How Does God Speak?

How do I know God is speaking to me? It's not easy to tell, and it's hard to explain to others when it...

The Spiritual Exercises and Wall Street

Chris Lowney is a former Jesuit, former J.P. Morgan investment banker, and currently full-time speaker and author.  He recently gave a talk at Fordham...

Washing Feet

My parish did something different with the foot washing ceremony last Holy Thursday.  Instead of the priest washing the feet of twelve parishioners (often...

How to Survive Desolation

What's the most important key to surviving desolation?  I vote for patience.  This author says it's  "sufficient grace," quoting Ignatius: A person who is in...

Pay Attention!

When I was in grade school, I was a daydreamer. I could get lost in the view out of the classroom window, in the...

Ignatian Decision Making

I'm proud to announce the publication of What's Your Decision? How to Make Choices with Confidence and Clarity.  This is a book about using...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon