

Praying from the Heart

Exaggeration or reality? There's not a person of faith--dead or alive--who hasn't at some point trudged through a desert landscape of dusty dry and...

Tears with an Old Friend

My husband, Jim, and I had traveled to another town and called an old friend - Fr. Dennis, a priest we had known for...

He Is Risen!

Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore we have been...

God’s Story

Sometimes God has fun with me. Today was one of those days. I went to a local farm with extended family. My girls had fun...

“Cletus, Come Out”

Perhaps because I feel as if I have been brought back to life after a 12-day siege with the flu, I have been thinking...

Lunchtime Examen Week 6: What Shall I Do?

Our sixth and last Lunchtime Examen goes online today. This week's question is "What shall I do?" It's about the final step of the...

Lent. Is it over yet?

Lent?  Not a big fan of this season, even though I'm very fond of purple, love soup and rarely pass up opportunities to ponder...

Lunchtime Examen Week 4: Feelings

Our fourth Lunchtime Examen goes online today.  This week's question is "What do our feelings have to do with prayer?" Click on the button...

What We Don’t See

Sometimes we are blind to what is right in front of us. Recently at our parish, we watched two altar servers who had fun...

Lenten Shabbat

Lenten...Shabbat?In my strange little world these words go together just fine, possibly because my Jewish mother was as likely to serve fish as she...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon