

Join An Ignatian Prayer Adventure Week 3

An Ignatian Prayer Adventure continues with Week 3 materials ready today. Our theme is “Something's Broken,” and we consider the effects of sin in...

It’s Examen Week

Tuesday you saw me talk about the examen in a short video.  Today you can read blog posts about the examen by a Presbyterian...

Adopting Again

My new favorite description of love is the willingness to enter a mess. It's a pretty decent description of the Incarnation (or kenosis for...

The History of One Day

You can look at the day you just lived through, and notice certain things. The physical: What did you see? What did you hear? Taste?...

The Examen Is One of My Favorite Prayers

In this second week of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure, we're reflecting on finding God in all things and looking at how the Examen can...

Looking Back

As I write this post, my inbox is filling up with e-mails due to a dialogue with family members about various faith topics. What...

Finding God in All Things

The Examen is a simple form for “checking in” daily with God. It's a review of your day, by which you observe how you...

Lent-Easter Retreat Week 2

Week 2 of our Ignatian Prayer Adventure retreat begins today.  The theme of the week is "Finding God in All Things."Don't worry if you...

Good Things Will Happen

Last weekend, my husband, Jim and I had dinner at a Chinese restaurant.  At the end, we opened our fortune cookies.  Mine was bland...

Does God Have a Plan for Your Life?

I grew up in a religious subculture that was very certain about who God was and how God operated. Very often I heard, “God...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon