
A Mom’s Examen (aka “The Burnt Cookie Examen”)

St. Ignatius taught the valuable spiritual practice of praying the Examen daily. When I sit down at the end of the day for my...

The Truth of My Life

In my daily Examen, I often ask God to simply show me “the truth of my life.” I hope to be able to see...

Daily Examen for Parents

There are stretches of days and sometimes weeks when the boys delight us with their growth and learning and affection and wonder at the...

Reimagining the Ignatian Examen Flip Book: Choose Life

A passage from the book of Deuteronomy provides the jumping off point for Reimagining the Ignatian Examen: Choose Life. This is part of the...

Reimagining the Ignatian Examen Flip Book: Praise, Reverence, Service

The First Principle and Foundation is the inspiration for Reimagining the Ignatian Examen: Praise, Reverence, Service. This latest in our series of Examen flip...

Reimagining the Ignatian Examen Flip Book: Gratitude

St. Ignatius believed that gratitude was among the highest of virtues. This week, pray with a special Examen that invites you to dwell in...

Reimagining the Ignatian Examen Flip Book: Naming the Grace

In his book, Reimagining the Ignatian Examen, Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ, writes: But the closer I grow to Christ, the more I want to share...

Why Bother Praying the Examen?

With so many forms of prayer out there, and so little time in this fast-paced world, why bother praying the Examen? At times, I...

An Ecological Examen

On this Earth Day, we take a look at an Ecological Examen by Greg Kennedy, SJ. Some of the facts are specific to Canada,...

Relationship Examen

It’s amazing how much my first year of marriage has found Sarah and me sharing with others about what the experience has been like....


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon