
The Examen and Letting Go

We often accumulate misguided and half-hearted commitments that drain of us energy and take us off our most meaningful path. The Examen can function...

Practicing the Examen with Children

The Examen prayer can serve as a great tool for introducing children to a regular awareness of God. Author Paul Mitchell has adapted the...

Confetti All Around

This post is based on Week Two of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Cards from my parents should come with a warning: “Proceed with caution.” It...

When We Ask for Light

We pray for light. We want to see what God sees. Or do we? When we pray the Examen, we ask God to shed light...

Relationships and the Examen

I’ve been lonely lately. This time of COVID has taken a toll on my relationships. Some are not yet comfortable. Some friends have learned to...

Lenten Read-Along: Examen of God’s Compassion and Mercy for Me

I begin by giving thanks for the good gifts God has given me so far. I ask God for the gifts of insight...

Waking Up to God in All Things

This post is based on Week Two of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. When I was expecting my oldest child almost 32 years ago, I remember...

Rearview Mirror

Praying the daily Examen is somewhat like looking in the rearview mirror. That’s the starting point Joe Paprocki takes in a two-minute video for...

Examen for Those Experiencing Anxiety

Noticing times when God felt absent exercises our ability to slowly and carefully wipe away the clutter that blocks our view of God. This...

Finding God in the Mess Lenten Read-Along: Rewind the Day

In an anxiety-filled world, take a few moments to: Quietly retrace your day in your mind’s eye. Begin with the moment you awoke this morning,...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon