

Vacation Desolation

I recently returned from a wonderful family vacation. It was a great time. The natural beauty of the area we visited was breathtaking, and...

Thoughts on Dreaming

We are designed to dream; this impulse and ability is built into the wiring of our brains and the beating of our hearts. Sleep...

Three Key Questions for Discernment

Unfortunately, the video we had featured here is no longer available. Please try these resources on discernment instead: The Ignatian Way #6: What Is...

When You’re Discouraged

Robert McTeigue, SJ, says that when we are discouraged or feeling desolation in the Ignatian sense, we should follow St. Ignatius’s advice and insist...

Overturning the Tables of the Evil Spirit

I’ve always struggled with the story of Jesus, in a seeming rage, turning over the tables of the moneychangers in the Temple. But after...

Kevin O’Brien, SJ, on Discernment in the Jesuit Tradition

Kevin O’Brien, SJ, presented an hour-long webinar on “Discernment in the Jesuit Tradition” for Georgetown University Alumni Career Services. The information is valuable for...

We Can Be More Fully Ourselves

When I was a Jesuit, people often told me I had a higher calling. It seems common language for those who’ve felt called to...

Wading into the Ocean

Ignatian spirituality often focuses on being attentive to the nature of our own desires, especially in discernment. Ignatius discovered that following God’s will is...

The Paradox of Christian Freedom

Jesus came to set us free. From what? The kind of freedom Ignatian spirituality preaches is freedom from the attachments, fears, and blockades that...

The Four Streams That Help Me Discern

Four years ago, I was in a season of discernment that involved clarifying my yeses within ministry. Up to that point, I had been...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon