

Forgiveness: Making Friends with Time

Marina Berzins McCoy’s new book, The Ignatian Guide to Forgiveness, may be one of the best resources for spiritual health available to people who...

Connecting with Family During the Holidays

With the pandemic disrupting so many holiday plans, our family’s generations may be separated from each other physically. But that doesn’t mean that we...

Ignatian Christmas Gifts

In a year that excludes many experience-based gifts due to pandemic cancellations, how about giving the experience of reading? Loyola Press, the sponsor of...

The Closeness of God

My immobility after the fall and during recovery showed me clearly how close God was to me. Previously, I was often so active that...

We Must Learn How to Love Every Day

Knowing how to love is never something acquired once and for all. We must begin anew every day. We must practice it so that...

Perceive More Than the Weather

As we settle into autumn, consider these reflection points on Luke 12:54–59, excerpted from Sacred Space: The Prayer Book 2020 by the Irish Jesuits. A...

Sharing the Wisdom of Time Wins Six Catholic Press Association Book Awards

Loyola Press, sponsor of this website, proudly celebrates Sharing the Wisdom of Time for its six Catholic Press Association Book Awards. The book by...

Faith Walking with Jesus

Remember this always: faith is walking with Jesus, and it is a walk that lasts a lifetime. At the end there shall be the...

God’s Act of Creation

God’s act of creation is not a one-and-done thing; it is ongoing. We experience that creative act of God with every breath we take....

Celebrating Award-Winning Books

Loyola Press, sponsor of this website, proudly celebrates the winners of the 2019 Illumination Book Awards. Among the Loyola Press gold medalists are God...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon