Breathe Hope

man breathing in outdoors

Pope Francis’s words of wisdom on Christian hope compiled in the book, On Hope, speak almost prophetically to our times:

Christian hope…is very important, because hope never disappoints. Optimism disappoints, but hope does not. We have such need in these times that can appear dark, in which we sometimes feel disoriented by the evil and violence that surround us, by the distress of so many of our brothers and sisters. We need hope. We feel disoriented and even rather discouraged, because we are powerless and it seems this darkness will never end. We must not let hope abandon us, because God, with his love, walks with us.

We do need hope! We need hope as we witness the distress of our brothers and sisters who are suffering with the virus. We need hope as we are barraged by stories about the pandemic and its economic toll. We need the hope that these days of social distancing—these days that seem to blend one into the other—will not last forever. We need hope that we will be able to return to our routines and some semblance of life as we knew it.

I have noticed that as I encounter the endless onslaught of sad and distressing stories, I hold my breath. Perhaps it is the uncertainly of it all, or maybe I’m holding my breath and waiting to hear something good. Or perhaps, as one friend put it, “I’m holding my breath and waiting for the other shoe to drop.” As I talk with friends, I hear the widespread feeling that despite our best efforts to social distance, cover our faces, and sanitize, we don’t have a lot of control. Facing an invisible threat on a global scale causes anxiety. And so, we hold our breath.

As long as we are well, though, there is one thing that we do have control over: our breath. Well, the ancient Hebrews would argue that we don’t even have control over that, because our breath is breathed into us by God. Their word for breath, ruah, also means “spirit” as well as, “air in motion: sometimes the wind; at other times breath or vitality and life-giving power” (Boadt, Reading the Old Testament). Jesuit Anthony de Mello, in his book, Sadhana: A Way to God, speaks further of the ruah: “If a man lived, it was because God kept putting his breath, his ‘spirit’ into this man. It was the presence of this Spirit of God that kept the man alive.” The ruah, then, was God’s continuous breath within the individual, God’s continuous gift of life.

So, while we may not control the breath that God breathes into us, we at least can control our awareness of our breath, and this will affect our spirit as well. De Mello offers an exercise that I have found particularly helpful in these stressful times when I observe myself holding my breath.

A bit of preparation will help us get the most out of this exercise. Go to a quiet place in your house or outside in nature. Sit upright, and plant your feet firmly on the ground. Feel the ground beneath your feet. Imagine that your feet are rooted to the ground. You are stable and grounded.

While still remaining in an upright posture, relax your body, slowly, from head to toe. Now, very slowly, breathe in deeply through your nose, and then breathe slowly out through your mouth.

Now begin de Mello’s contemplation:

While you breathe in, be conscious of God’s Spirit coming into you…Fill your lungs with the divine energy he brings with him…

While you breathe out, imagine you are breathing out all your impurities…your fears…your negative feelings…

Imagine you see your whole body becoming radiant and alive through this process of breathing in God’s life-giving Spirit and breathing out all your impurities… (Sadhana: A Way to God)

For these days, I add:

Breathe in compassion for yourself—and others.
Breathe out any anxieties you have about your health and your loved ones’ health.
Breathe in God’s peace.
Breathe out any concerns you have right now over your finances.
Breathe in God’s assurance that these times will pass.
Breathe out whatever is causing you fear or anxiety right now.
Breathe in God’s promise of new life; breathe in hope.

Rebecca Ruiz
Rebecca Ruiz
Rebecca Ruiz holds a B.A. from the College of the Holy Cross and an M.A. from Tufts University. She has been trained as an Ignatian spiritual director through Fairfield University. Rebecca is on staff at Jesuit Refugee Service/USA and previously served for a decade and a half at the Diocese of Arlington in refugee resettlement. She strives, as St. Ignatius taught, to see God in all things and do “all things for the greater glory of God.”


  1. As we in our area enter a time of tightening restrictions, which mean that families are once more kept apart, I felt drawn to revisit this reflection. Breathing in hope helps God’s blessings to become ever more evident. I am starting my day with hope. Thank you.

  2. Breath!! Very fulfilling as it gives hope where it seems hopeless. When we breath out all anxieties and breath in hope. What the world need is hope, in all situations let’s have hope. When you share hope, I am feeling and breathing hope as well. Thanks for sharing this hope with us. Blessings.

  3. Thank you very much for helping us to breathe in God’s ruah, while breathing out the impurities that can get in the way of allowing God to be God in our lives! We included your reflection in our family prayer last week. I really think that the students, faculty and staff from our high school would truly appreciate your reflection on breathing in hope! (I work in campus ministry at a Catholic school.) May I share your article, with permission? I was hoping to share the link to your reflection on our daily prayer posted (internally) for our students, faculty and staff. Thanks for considering!

  4. This might seem a little trite especially for those who have lost loved ones or their jobs and who are waiting in long lines for food. But take a minute and look at some of the blessing you have encountered. Do we find ourselves turning to God more often? Are we spending more time with our children? Have our busy lives slowed down? Are we finding more ways to help one another? Do you think maybe God is trying to send us a message? Do we really want everything to go back to the way it was? I bet if we all look back at our life before lock down we can find many more blessing that are taking place. Thank God for what we have and pray for a more blessed future. By the way the contemplation brought these thoughts to mind.

  5. This was a moving, positive and helpful talk by Rebecca.
    I am always quoting and writing down quotes by Pope Francis.
    The one above is no exception.

    Here is another example of his wisdom, examining hope from a different perspective,
    punchy but humble – His Holiness’s amazing approach to key matters:

    ‘Catholics who believe themselves righteous, end up worshipping themselves. The
    “cry of the poor” must become the “cry of the hope” of the Church.’
    ‘It is the people of God’ (Francis stressed) ‘who are the gatekeepers of heaven.’

    • Thank you, Sandra. I agree, Pope Francis is a truly gifted communicator and I share in your appreciation of his “quotable quotes”! He has a special, clearly Spirit-inspired way, of expressing the nuances of our faith in fresh ways.

  6. Thank you for your Hope comments vs optimism. Optimism does seem more of a personality trait while hope seems to emanate from within laced with faith.

    Lately as I enter my ninth month of stage four stomach cancer, my hope and optimism are hand in hand. I feel empowered by being engaged with life and not with what can my skills accomplish today. I feel totally healed and healthy and give God àll the credit. After all, He decides where I am better off
    My Dr. Schrader, my Oncologist and Nurses who take care if me during Chemo are a joy. For whatever reason this is an opportunity to learn a deeper dimension of my self and to continue my walk with God.

    • Thank you for sharing of your journey. How beautiful that you notice the presence of both hope and optimism within you and what a very special blessing to feel empowered and engaged with your life! I will pray for you as you continue on your healing journey.

  7. Rebecca, thank you for this very enriching form of meditation. Indeed, hope has brought us thus far. We need to keep on breathing in hope, and fill our lungs with it. Long live hope.


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