Vivian Amu

Vivian Amu has served as a sacristan, Baptism coordinator, and wedding coordinator for St. John’s Catholic Church, a Jesuit-run parish, for 19 years. She was inducted into Alpha Sigma Nu, the honor society of Jesuit universities, and Alpha Iota Sigma, a leadership honor society, in 2022. She has a master’s degree in integrative health and wellness from Creighton University. She is currently a doctoral student at Creighton University, studying interdisciplinary leadership. She is also a contributing writer for Living Faith and the collaborative online ministry at Creighton University. She resides in Omaha, NE, and enjoys a good mystery novel when she gets a chance to do some leisure reading.

Thoughts on Discernment

Having attended a Jesuit university, I heard the word discernment many times, and I was taught that it offered a way towards clarity; unity of mind, heart, and soul;...

Practicing Gratitude

In the busyness and demands of our daily lives, we often take for granted every breath we take and the briefest interactions we have. The practice of gratitude, however,...

Finding God Through the Autumn Leaves

It is autumn. The leaves have changed, and the wind has a slight chill, reminding us of what will come. Autumn is God’s way of calling us to attention:...