Tim Muldoon

Tim Muldoon is the author of a number of books, including The Ignatian Workout and Living Against the Grain, and teaches in the Department of Philosophy at Boston College.
Books by Tim Muldoon

Tim's Books

  • Living Against the Grain: How to Make Decisions That Lead to an Authentic Life
  • The Ignatian Workout: Daily Spiritual Exercises for a Healthy Faith
  • The Ignatian Workout for Lent
  • Longing to Love: A Memoir of Desire, Relationships, and Spiritual Transformation

Sacred Time

This weekend the Church begins its observance of Advent. He is coming! I marvel at the way the Church has, over its history, sought to mark sacred time. The philosopher...

Beholding the Moment

I’m reading through essays that my students have submitted in response to the assignment to spend one hour in nature, undisturbed by phones or to-do lists. They write about...

Cannonball of Love

I’m sitting in the auditorium at the college during orientation day for my first-year student daughter. The speaker is talking about Jesuit education and the story of St. Ignatius,...

Lessons in Hope and Courage: Las Hermanas Dominicas of Puerto Rico

On the eve of the pandemic lockdown last year, I was visiting a congregation of Dominican nuns whose story I have held close to my heart for the last...

I Am Yosef

O Lord, I am Yosef. I am David's son, heir to your holy promise to make of this people a great nation. But I am small and I am afraid. You have...

Cherishing Meeting Participants

“Cherish what is simple. Be in awe of what is great.” —Christopher de Vinck in The Center Will Hold I am sitting in the usual spot, participating in the Zoom...