Rebecca Ruiz

Rebecca Ruiz holds a B.A. from the College of the Holy Cross and an M.A. from Tufts University. She has been trained as an Ignatian spiritual director through Fairfield University. Rebecca is on staff at Jesuit Refugee Service/USA and previously served for a decade and a half at the Diocese of Arlington in refugee resettlement. She strives, as St. Ignatius taught, to see God in all things and do “all things for the greater glory of God.”

Five Practices of Ignatian Spirituality That Foster Resilience

Ignatian spirituality arose from an environment not so different from the one in which we find ourselves today. St. Ignatius endured long months of social isolation while he recovered...

Savoring the Moments

Editor’s note: Throughout July, we’re celebrating 31 Days with St. Ignatius, a month-long celebration of Ignatian spirituality. In addition to the calendar of Ignatian articles found here, posts on...

Noticing the Invitations

I stepped out of the car and found myself wrestling my raincoat away from the wind. Through the driving rain, something in the corner of my stairs caught my...

Breathe Hope

Pope Francis’s words of wisdom on Christian hope compiled in the book, On Hope, speak almost prophetically to our times: Christian hope…is very important, because hope never disappoints. Optimism disappoints,...

Opening Doors in Lent

Editor’s note: This article was written before we started practicing social distancing to avoid the spread of sickness. But the lesson of being compassionate is still timely, if enacted...

Exploring the Examen Step-by-Step: Give Thanks

Editor’s note: We continue our series exploring each of the steps of the Examen. We’re using the Examen version from Jim Manney’s book, A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer. We’ll look...