Loretta Pehanich

Loretta Pehanich is a Catholic freelance writer and the author of Loyola Kids Book of Jesus, His Family, and His Friends, 2022: A Book of Grace-Filled Days, Women in Conversation: Stand Up!, and Fleeting Moments: Praying When You Are Too Busy. A spiritual director since 2012, Loretta is trained in giving the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Her involvement in ministry and parish life includes 20 years in small faith-sharing groups and Christian Life Community. Loretta gives retreats and presentations on prayer and women’s spirituality and is commissioned as an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist. She and her husband Steve have four children and 11 grandchildren.
Loyola Kids Book of Jesus, His Family, and His Friends by Loretta Pehanich

Loretta's Book

  • Loyola Kids Book of Jesus, His Family, and His Friends

Pandemic Blessings for the Church

“We’re driving the car while building it,” the old saying goes. It’s true of our pandemic times. We’re teaching one another how to use video chats, learning to share...

Imagining Mary’s Moments Before the Assumption

Mary speaks on only four occasions in Scripture, and her last recorded words are, “Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2:5) In the tradition of Ignatian contemplation, I imagine...

God in My Grandchildren

Editor’s note: Throughout July, we’re celebrating 31 Days with St. Ignatius, a month-long celebration of Ignatian spirituality. In addition to the calendar of Ignatian articles found here, posts on dotMagis this month will explore...

Ask the Sacred Heart

Alone in the dimly-lit living room, I craned my child-sized neck up toward a shelf with a small drawer under it. A votive candle cast a moving shadow on...

The Bystander

In a time of pandemic, temptations arise to live out anger and judgment of others. We want things to be different. How can I react to strong emotions from...

Thomas Experiences Joy

This post is based on Week Eight of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure and inspired by John 20:24–29. I’d gone out for provisions. They were afraid to go. On my return...