Marina Berzins McCoy is a professor at Boston College, where she teaches philosophy and in the BC PULSE service-learning program. She is the author of The Ignatian Guide to Forgiveness and Wounded Heroes: Vulnerability as a Virtue in Ancient Greek Philosophy. She and her husband are the parents to two young adults and live in the Boston area.
Many Advent hymns feature the idea of silence: “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent,” or, “My Soul in Stillness Waits.” And then there is the beloved Christmas carol, “Silent...
Resistance is a term that is often used in descriptions of spiritual movements. In its simplest terms, it is used to describe when we resist God’s action, but what...
Last June, I traveled on a group pilgrimage to many places that were significant in St. Ignatius’s journey, including Manresa and Barcelona. Manresa, for Ignatius, was a place of...
This summer, I was gifted with the opportunity to go on a pilgrimage tracing the footsteps of St. Ignatius Loyola with a group of colleagues from my university. We...
Editor’s note: We’ve been having fun celebrating the 10th anniversary of The fun continues throughout July with our 10th-annual 31 Days with St. Ignatius celebration. Bookmark the calendar here. And we’re still...