Lisa Kelly

Lisa Kelly is an Ignatian Associate living in Omaha, Nebraska. She applies a Master’s in Public Policy from Harvard and a Master’s in Christian Spirituality, with a certificate in the Ignatian Tradition, from Creighton University to incorporating spirituality into personal and organizational growth. As a co-director of the nonprofit La Storta and an accompanier for the Discerning Leadership Program, she facilitates retreats and leadership development. She is the author of The Spiritual Path. Now, with four grown children and a 30+ year marriage filling her heart, Lisa is a grateful cancer and bone marrow transplant survivor, believing every day is a gift.
The Spiritual Path by Lisa Kelly

Lisa’s Book

  • The Spiritual Path

Blessed Are Those in the Crowd

This post is based on Week Six of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. For all of my life as I have heard the Beatitudes read, my first reaction has been: “Which...

Voting for Jesus

This post is based on Week Five of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Recently Jimmy Kimmel played a sketch in which the actual words of political candidates were instead said by...

From Bethlehem to Nogales

This post is based on Week Four of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. A young girl of maybe 16, wearing all her worldly possessions, sits in the middle of a lunch...

Who Are You?

When the priests and Levites questioned John the Baptist in the wilderness, they asked him “Who are you?” John responded by testifying “I am the voice of one crying...

Three Ingredients in a Recipe for Gratitude

So many times a day we say “thank you” out of nothing more than common courtesy at best or, at worst, out of habit, with no realization that we...

Invitations from God

There is a brilliant scene in the first Harry Potter book in which ten-year-old Harry receives a letter in the mail that his Uncle Vernon refuses to let him...