Meredith Gould

Meredith Gould, PhD, is the author of seven books, including The Catholic Home: Celebrations and Traditions for Holidays, Feast Days, and Every Day, Why Is There a Menorah on the Altar? Jewish Roots of Christian Worship, and The Word Made Fresh: Communicating Church and Faith Today. She serves on the team at The Virtual Abbey and founded the Twitter chat for church social media (#chsocm).

Search Options

"What would you like to save on today?"  I was wandering through an online store and noticed how this question kept appearing adjacent to the site's search prompt. What would...

Eastern Standard Time

After all these years, I should stop being so surprised by the moaning and groaning that accompanies shifting from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time. Me? I get happier as...

Halloween Giving? Yes, Giving.

What for years seemed like extreme cruelty, now impresses me as heroic parenting. The parent in this case was my mother who, back in the 1950s, thought the Three Stooges...

All Creatures of Our God and King

Just opened a can of (dolphin-safe) tuna and almost drained the can into cute little bowls that I no longer have for cats who are no longer living. All...

“I was a stranger”

I should probably cut myself a break. After all, it has only been six weeks since I moved to Baltimore (aka Charm City and legitimately so). Within days of...

Contemplative Cooking

Since I no longer believe in coincidence, I'm wondering what God is inviting me to see, not only in the sudden spate of movies glorifying food, but because this...