Michelle Francl-Donnay

Michelle Francl-Donnay is the mother of two 20-something sons, a professor of chemistry, an adjunct scholar at the Vatican Observatory, and a regular contributor to Philadelphia Archdiocese’s CatholicPhilly.com, where she writes about the joys and struggles of trying to live a contemplative life in the midst of everyday chaos. Michelle blogs at Quantum Theology.


“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” —John 1:14One way the Word becomes flesh and moves among us is through the particular words we—with all our limitations of imagination...

Why a Scientist Finds Ignatian Spirituality Compelling

About six months after I finished making the Spiritual Exercises, I was chatting with a couple of colleagues at the college where I teach. One asked me how my...

Joy Is the Surest Sign

This is a guest post by Michelle Francl-Donnay for Week Eight of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. I came home early in the morning, the noise of my engine rippling the...

Embrace Chaos

This is a guest post by Michelle Francl-Donnay for Week Seven of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. If I had a Latin motto posted over my office door it might be...

Spoilers in Prayer

This is a guest post by Michelle Francl-Donnay for Week Six of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. Lately, my husband and I have been watching Downton Abbey together for our Friday...

Who Am I? Asked in Light of the Two Standards

This is a guest post by Michelle Francl-Donnay for Week Five of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure. What do I want to be? Who do I want to be? If my...