Repetition is the return to a previous period of prayer for the purpose of allowing the movements of God to deepen within the heart. Through repetitions, we fine-tune our...
Sr. Christine Schenk shares the story of the Living Room Retreats project, which brings the gifts of Ignatian spirituality to seniors. The program was started by Joanne Sheldon, a...
In 1969, Fr. Dick Perl, SJ, “pioneered the revival of Jesuit pilgrimage” when he took a 10-week journey from St. Louis to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe...
Arrupe College of Loyola University Chicago is scheduled to open in August, 2015, as the world’s first Jesuit community college. According to a story in the Phoenix, Loyola University’s...
At Catholic Philly, Effie Caldarola shares her experience with the 19th annotation, or the Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life.
In theory, I always believed God loved me. The Catechism tells...