A question recently came to the editor’s desk about the fact that St. Ignatius believed ingratitude to be “the cause, beginning, and origin of all evils and sins.” The...
The Spiritual Exercises are divided into four phases, called “weeks.” After the retreat experience is over, however, we face “the Fifth Week”—the rest of our lives. Andy Otto explains:
Pope Francis’s anticipated encyclical on the environment is due this week, June 18, 2015. The title Laudato Si (Praised Be) comes from the first words of the popular Canticle...
Casey Beaumier, SJ—author of A Purposeful Path: How Far Can You Go with $30, a Bus Ticket, and a Dream?—spoke at a Boston College event called Agape Latte. Here’s...
Jesuit Refugee Service provides an update on their work in providing education:
“Education is a key in combating the evil of hatred, violence and war. I’m ever more convinced of...
Matt Emerson at The Ignatian Educator (America Magazine) suggests 10 tips for an Ignatian summer. The article is well worth reading in full, but today we expand on several...