dotMagis Editor

Sacred Space Online and in Print

Many dotMagis readers will be familiar with Sacred Space, the website that has been providing Scripture-based prayer online since 1999. Now a joint apostolate of the Irish Jesuits and...

Ignatian Spirituality Overlaps with Contemporary Psychology

Dr. Christopher Kaczor is a professor of philosophy at Loyola Marymount University. He recently wrote an overview of how Ignatian spirituality overlaps with contemporary psychology. Not making decisions during...

What Stirs You to Love

St. Teresa said, “The important thing is not to think much but to love much; and do that which best stirs you to love.” Divine love is beyond our comprehension,...

Purposeless Walking

In our hectic world, too many people view walking as a means to an end at best and a waste of time at worst. But writers, among other creative...

Resisting Grace

Grace can’t be earned, but it can be resisted. There are times when we prefer darkness to light, when revenge feels good and pleasure trumps virtue. Hating those who...

Spiritual Direction Is a Conversation

We mention spiritual direction from time to time here on dotMagis as a valuable tool in spiritual growth, but if you haven’t experienced it yourself, you might wonder what...