dotMagis Editor

Intergenerational Socializing

Ashley McKinless, associate editor of America, reflects on intergenerational socializing and her recent pilgrimage in “Pathfinding in Spain.” It’s worth reading the full article, but the conclusion offers good...

Babies as a Prayer Trigger

Grace Mazza Urbanski is the Director of Children’s Ministry for the U.S. National Office of the Apostleship of Prayer, and she finds that noisy children can be a trigger...

Particular Examen on the Theological Virtues

John A. Hardon, SJ, suggested that one way to counteract temptation from the evil one is by doing a Particular Examen on the Theological Virtues. In introduction, he wrote: Before...

Best of the Year

Happy New Year! Before we jump into the new year of dotMagis posts, let’s take some time today to look back at the year ended. Enjoy some of the...

Journey of the Magi

T. S. Eliot reads his poem “Journey of the Magi” in the audio track of today’s featured video. For those of you who have been following the Sacred Space/Pray...

A Jesuit-Jedi Connection?

Star Wars fans have watched the new movie, and many have commented on it online. Our friends at The Jesuit Post provide some commentary that should be of interest to...