Pope Francis wants that “the season of Lent in this Jubilee Year be lived more intensely as a privileged moment to celebrate and experience God’s mercy” (Misericordiae Vultus, 17)....
Lent originally meant “springtime,” and so we can view it as a springtime for the spirit. It is a time also to spring clean the cave of our hearts!
Creighton University’s Division of Mission and Ministry produced a video explaining a bit about Ignatian contemplation and then leading the viewer in an experience of this form of prayer....
I have a little bag of pebbles. They’re so attractive that I use them as visual aids for retreats and workshops.
One day during a retreat in Ireland, I spread...
Magis is a pre-World Youth Day gathering of young adults from around the world sponsored by the Jesuits. Young adults will travel this July to Poland for community, prayer,...
What would you write in a letter to the Pope? Children around the world were invited to send their questions to Pope Francis, and he personally responded to 30...