dotMagis Editor

Discernment and the Joy of Love

Friday saw the release of the much-anticipated apostolic exhortation on love in the family, Amoris Laetitia, (The Joy of Love). Two responses to the document emphasize the importance of...

Applying the Spiritual Exercises to the Later Stages of Life

Ignatian volunteer Barbara A. Lee thinks about applying the Spiritual Exercises to the later stages of life in an article for America, “Aging with Ignatius.” Lee writes: Making the exercises...

Encountering the Risen Christ

James Hanvey, SJ, writes in Thinking Faith that we can “Let him Easter in us” by exploring what the Gospels say about the appearances of the risen Christ. One...

Reimagining the Examen App

Readers of this blog may already be familiar with Reimagining the Ignatian Examen. We’ve featured flip books based on the popular book of the same name, and now Reimagining...

The Seven Last Words

On this Good Friday, you may like to take some time to pray with the Seven Last Words of Jesus. For centuries Christians have prayed various forms of devotions...

Stop for Prayer

In a post at God in All Things, Tony Krzmarzick admits that, just like he requests a stop on public transit, he needs to remember his stop for prayer. For...