dotMagis Editor

Grateful for the Challenges

At the Integrated Catholic Life, Randy Hain writes “On Being Grateful for My Challenges.” He shares a realization: As I drove away it hit me: I was expressing gratitude for...

Joy in the Labor

But one doesn’t expect to get out of life what one has already learned that it cannot give, but rather one begins to see more and more clearly that...

Call of the King via E-Mail

Imagine that a passionate leader sent you an e-mail to take on a specific role within a world-changing movement. How would you respond to this e-mail? Andy Otto presents...

Jesuits in Eastern Africa

The Society of Jesus is worldwide. The below video highlights the work of the Jesuits in Eastern Africa in education, spiritual, and social justice ministries. If you’re receiving this via...

Blessed by Less

Your life is an overflowing closet. You know it is. There are sweatshirts folded up in a corner of your mind where your children’s birthdays should be stored. That...

Finding Your Vocation

It’s graduation season, and that means commencement speakers try to impart words of wisdom to graduates before they start the next phase of life. Wheeling Jesuit University welcomed Timothy...