dotMagis Editor

Finding Your Vocation

It’s graduation season, and that means commencement speakers try to impart words of wisdom to graduates before they start the next phase of life. Wheeling Jesuit University welcomed Timothy...

Another Examen Video

A community of Christian youth workers released this video version of the Examen prayer. The text on each screen guides the reader through the prayer, with questions such as...

Discipline Our Hearts

William A. Barry, SJ, writes for the Ignatian Volunteer Corps blog: Ignatian discernment of spirits is one way to discipline our hearts so that we become more adult in our...

Honesty and Humility

Honesty is an integral part of humility, which means saying yes to our humanness, accepting both the agony and the ecstasy of our creaturehood. We are of the earth—humus—and...

World Youth Day and Pray as You Go

Pray as You Go is producing a special series in the lead-up to World Youth Day 2016. Whether or not you’ll be attending the event in Krakow, the audio...

Trouble with the Suscipe

Zoe Romanowsky, lifestyle editor and video content curator for Aleteia, admits not being able to pray with sincerity the Suscipe, or “Take, Lord, Receive” prayer of St. Ignatius. She...