dotMagis Editor

The Challenges of Life

When we are in transition, depending on how serious the breakdown is, we may feel as though almost every aspect of life has been disrupted. The old certainties, the...

Positive Intent

Educator Laura Thomas was at a meeting in which they started by outlining expectations. One caught her by surprise: “Assume positive intent.” I was drawn up a bit short by...

Kevin O’Brien, SJ, on Adapting the Spiritual Exercises

America magazine interviewed Kevin O’Brien, SJ, about his mission and ministry work at Georgetown University. The author of The Ignatian Adventure, O’Brien began a new role as the dean...

Veterans Retreat

White House Jesuit Retreat in St. Louis hosted an Ignatian retreat for veterans last month. As reported on the Jesuits’ website: “St. Ignatius himself was a veteran,” said Bill Schmitt,...

General Congregation 36

The Jesuits of Canada and the United States have launched a resource page with information about the upcoming General Congregation 36. The GC is the supreme governing body of...

The I-Want-It-So-Badly Virus

Sometimes we’re driven by the I-want-it-so-badly virus: I so wanted to get to the top of the company, or to attract that attractive person, or to be rich, or...