dotMagis Editor

O Come Emmanuel

Thinking Faith has been sharing a series of reflections on the O Antiphons this Advent. In a reflection on the last antiphon in the series—but the first in a...

Happy Birthday, Pope Francis

Pope Francis celebrates his 80th birthday on December 17, 2016. It’s a good occasion to reflect on what Antonio Spadaro, SJ, has called the “3 most important homilies of...

Longings in Advent

In December, we often ask children, “What do you want Santa to bring you for Christmas?” In Advent the Church poses to us a deeper question: “What are the...

Mary’s Humility

In a homily last week, Pope Francis talked about “fear of the Lord” as a humble way of living. As reported in Zenit: “The humility of the childlike is that...

Settling into Advent

If you’re settling into Advent but looking for some seasonal inspiration to accompany your journey, there’s still time to sign up for Sacred Advent in your e-mail inbox. You...

Beautiful Feet

There is no Ash Wednesday for Advent, no day before the first Sunday to let us know what’s coming. But the readings today, on the feast of St. Andrew,...