As we savor the Christmas season, here’s some musical accompaniment, in the form of a rock take on the carol “The Little Drummer Boy.”
Merry Christmas!
We’re almost at Christmas. This video from Heart to Heart Ministry features Fr. Michael Sparough, SJ, inviting us to be Bethlehem Bound. Sparough says, “Let us come to wonder,...
About discerning our call or vocation, the first thing to say is that we all share in the greatest one. God “calls humankind to seek him, to know him,...
Tony Agnesi remembers his Christmas train, which taught him a lifelong lesson about selflessness. The story also makes him think about the Nativity.
I have always wondered that not a...
Thinking Faith has been sharing a series of reflections on the O Antiphons this Advent. In a reflection on the last antiphon in the series—but the first in a...