dotMagis Editor

Praying Through the Pain

Anyone who has ever tried to read the Bible or use a popular prayer app while recovering from surgery or undergoing chemotherapy can describe how difficult it is to...

A Person Made of Light

Suppose there were a reality faster than light, so superenergized that it would be at rest, everywhere at once. Every object we see—though it appears rock-hard—is actually just another...

Finding the Purpose

Casey Beaumier, SJ, experienced many uncomfortable shifts during his weeks of pilgrimage, walking from place to place, begging for food and shelter, and allowing strangers to become friends. During...

Angels and Ice Cream

One day a father and his six small children troop single file into the thrift store. The tops of the little ones’ heads are staggered at four-inch intervals of...

Reviewing the Feelings of Our Day

Reviewing the events of our day, either to thank God or to know our sins, is familiar enough. Reviewing the feelings that those events generate is a new approach...

Make Today Matter Blog Hop

How can small things done every day change us for the better and make the world better too? Author and leadership speaker Chris Lowney knows 10 habits that can...