dotMagis Editor

Finding God in the Mess Lenten Read-Along: Within the Heart

What occurs in the blood within the heart is so similar to what occurs in our lives. Just like blood, we can become in need of being enriched. We...

We Must Learn How to Love Every Day

Knowing how to love is never something acquired once and for all. We must begin anew every day. We must practice it so that our love for the brothers...

Announcing Our Lenten Read-Along

Plan now to join a special Lenten read-along with Loyola Press. We’ll be reading Finding God in the Mess: Meditations for Mindful Living at a relaxed pace that will...

Gratitude Generates Energy

Leaders set the tone for gratitude. People have asked me, “How do you get the culture to where it’s about the ‘we’?” Well, it takes time and you have...

If You Are Looking for God, God Will Find You

I happen to believe that “if you are looking for God, God will find you.” Ignatius of Loyola or Mother Teresa would have likewise believed that even as we...

Lift Our Gaze

On the feast of the Epiphany, as we recall Jesus’ manifestation to humanity in the face of a Child, may we sense the Magi at our side, as wise...