dotMagis Editor

Prayers for Peace

We mark the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks this year. Join in prayer for peace with these resources. Xavier University Patriot Day Prayers 3-Minute Retreat:...

Grandparents Day Wisdom and Giveaway

In honor of Grandparents Day, Loyola Press is giving away five copies of Sharing the Wisdom of Time to lucky readers. Enter for your chance to win. Sharing the Wisdom...

Prayer of an Aging Disciple

Lord, grant me the grace to live in the present and recognize what is possible to look to the future and trust you to be silent, and hear your voice in the...

Prayer for Vocations

We conclude our month of Faber Fridays with this video version of St. Peter Faber’s “Prayer for Vocations.” Continue to be inspired by Faber with Jon M. Sweeney’s book, Peter...

A Wider Circle of Friends

As friends of God, we are invited to become friends with all of God’s friends. God invites us to widen our circle of friends to include God’s friends wherever...

Christ Plays in 10,000 Places eBook

Celebrate the Ignatian Year with a free eBook of seasonally inspired prayers, poems, reflections, and illustrations. Contributors include Mark Thibodeaux, SJ, Vinita Hampton Wright, Eric Clayton, and 23 more...